The 3708A provides an accurate method of assessing performance of microwave radio and sateThe 3708A provides an accurate method of assessing performance of microwave radio and satellite modem systems by providing the carrier to noise (C/N) and carrier to interface (C/I) necessary to make C/N and C/I versus bit error ratio (BER) measurements. Accurate and repeatable C/N and C/I ratios can be maintained even in the presense of severe signal variations. The 3708A can also be used to assess the performance of digital TV forward error correction (FEC) by assessing the tolerance of quasi-error free systems to injected noise and interference.llite modem systems by providing the carrier to noise (C/N) and carrier to interface (C/I) necessary to make C/N and C/I versus bit error ratio (BER) measurements. Accurate and repeatable C/N and C/I ratios can be maintained even in the presence of severe signal variations. The 3708A can also be used to assess the performance of digital TV forward error correction (FEC) by assessing the tolerance of quasi-error free systems to injected noise and interference. The 3708A has the flexibility to accomodate a wide variety of radio designs. Connectors are 75 ohms unbalanced, and standard 70 MHz and 140 MHz reference tones are provided.